Illustration — Graphic Design — Art Direction — Exhibitions

Almost 10 years ago, I completed my Master of Arts at the Basel School of Art and Design, Masterstudio Design.
It's been quite a while, but now I've finally set about capturing my Master's thesis in photographs.
The work is about my personal exploration of thinking and how this manifests itself in drawing and writing.
The result is a book with essayistic texts about how thought structures can be categorized and visualized.
I have written and drawn metaphors to accompany categories of thought. Printed on transparent paper, the metaphors are superimposed on the corresponding drawing.
The title "Thoughts are mush" describes how chaotic thoughts can be when they are not yet tangible and can therefore express themselves more in feelings such as stress or fear. At the time, writing and drawing was a method that helped me to overcome this chaos.
The book has almost 250 pages, measures 297 mm x 420 mm and is glued together with black glue.
After so many years, I still really like the work. Even if I would do some parts differently today, I am happy every time I look at it again.